Day 7… Can You Believe It?!

Today mark’s the end of Greg’s journey, so this will probably be one of the last posts I get up here. It’s been so exciting to follow along with his ride, cheer him on, and be able to see the journey through his eyes in the photos and videos he passed along. Yesterday, Keri shared some awesome photos of her intercepting Greg at the Erie Canal (below).

Here are some photos Greg sent over from last night!

… And the most impressive photo he passed along- the miles to date that he’s completed during this ride.

Once again, we are all so proud of Greg to see him reaching the end of his journey! This was the first ESR I’ve been around for, and it was so inspiring to follow along every step of the way. I’m going to miss getting photos sent my way each morning of the various animals, scenery, and wonderful people Greg encountered.

3 thoughts on “Day 7… Can You Believe It?!”

  1. When a journey ends, another one starts. Looking forward to the next big ride!

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