Century in the books

I actually thought about this post today. I wanted to express what a big milestone it is. Crossing the halfway mark and all. But then the day happened and things happened. And, please bear with me, I want to share. And speaking of sharing, here is today’s recap.

First is what I did for me. There was a hill last year that kicked my butt. I got about 50′ up and dismounted and walked the walk of shame to get to the top. It has been in the back of my mind that today was the redeaux. As it approached I mentally already talked myself out of even trying. And, Peloton fans will know the mantra…I actually said to myself I am, I can, I will. I asked myself “what if I did?”. And I created that hill under my own power. I did that for me.

Later in the ride I came up on someone with a flat tire. There was already someone helping to change it. But I stopped to offer help if necessary and, at the least, moral support. I didn’t magically fix everything. Someone else wrestled the new tire on. But I was there just in case. I did for someone else.

Here is a stop by one of the locks on the Erie Canal. A bunch of us stopped to take pictures (including the one above). It was early in the day. One group offered to let me ride with them but I passed. They were all dedicated athletes. I’m….not. So fast forward to the 85 mile mark. Everyone was hurting but I met up with this same group. And they again offered to include me. And so I did. They included me. I rode in pretty tight formation with them and kept up. And kept up at a speed I would never have managed to find on my own…So others did for me.

Tomorrow…day five. Over three hundred miles in the mirror, but still a long ways to go. Donations are still open https://empirestateride.com. #esr22

5 thoughts on “Century in the books”

  1. Jen Von Iderstein

    Christine would be so proud! I am proud. I honestly teach my kids, my special education kids with learning disabilities, “I am, I can, I will, I do.” I pose to them so often, what if you can do hard things? You know what? It is the closest to anything that I could THINK of getting tattooed on me.

    Go Greg!

    1. It’s amazing how powerful words can be. Experiencing my inner voice telling me I won’t succeed, and turning that 180 degrees…wow

        1. As I lay down in my tent across the street from a psychiatric hospital…I’m very secure. Nothing will get though these mighty tent flaps.

  2. What a way to overcome an obstacle you couldn’t the first time!

    You walked the first time, looked back at the hill and muttered “I’ll be back….”, and so you’re back and kicked butt!

    Congratulations on your first (maybe?) peloton!

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