ESR 2023…in summary

I wanted to summarize my experience on Day 7, which was a challenging day of riding. Normally, I prefer fair weather and try to avoid getting wet while riding. However, this year, Mother Nature put us all to the test. What started as light sprinkles quickly intensified into heavy rain and downpours, accompanied by occasional lightning. The temperature was in the low 60s, and the steady breeze made it even more difficult. It was a day when I contemplated giving up, as every moment on the bike was a struggle. Nevertheless, I managed to reach Devaeux State Park, the gathering point for the final procession into Niagara Falls. Unlike other (probably smarter) riders who sought shelter in bars and ice cream parlors along the way, I went directly to the park. The hours of waiting for the remaining riders to arrive were almost unbearable, and the ESR staff worked miracles to find ways to keep us warm. They procured dry clothes, space blankets, plenty of hot coffee, and any shelter they could conjure, including piling into cargo vans. Without exaggeration, this was undoubtedly the worst day of biking I have ever experienced. Yet, just minutes before we departed for the final two-mile journey, the rain stopped, seemingly by divine intervention.

The last 70 miles….

The traveling pair of lizards made an appearance in Buffalo!
Nearly there
I can now attest that these really work!
One of the riders impersonating a baked potato
I didn’t de-prune until later in the evening
Niagara Falls lit blue and orange in honor of the ride
I made the news!
DayMileageAscentPedal StrokesTimeCalories

The Journey by the Numbers

The two questions that I’ve been asked since I’ve returned:

1) How do I sum up ESR 2023?
* Different than any other year. Definitely the most suffering this year. But truly special to have people cheering for me, showing up (in costume) multiple times, doing blog entries for me, and having my unconventional family waiting for me at the end.

2) Will I be part of ESR 2024?
* As with 2021 and 2022, I will say “we shall see”

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