Day 5. It’s suddenly going so fast…

Figured I’d send in an early post. I’m sitting here in Weedsport at the Speedway. I found a quiet spot (ironically) in the bleachers to reflect. Yes there will be some pictures but you have to digest my contemplation first. Unless you scroll down.

It sank in today that it’s day five of this. This adventure, journey, experience…whatever you want to call it. Tomorrow is the last day that will both begin and end in a tent. All of a sudden it’s almost behind me. Months of expectation and fundraising passes in the blink of an eye. I know the money raised will hopefully help people for years to come. And about the money….I had a thought when I was fighting my way up a hill in the pouring rain. If anyone offered ME the same amount of money I raised to do this journey I wouldn’t even consider it. Not for a heartbeat. But not a dollar went into my pocket out of what was raised and it feels tremendous to say that. As I’ve said numerous times, every mile is for the people that gave whatever they could.

Of course the two recaps of where I went today. Garmin. Relive

Before we left this morning, there was a line at medical.
Rest stop #2. Oneida Lake.
Lunch stop. We checked the weather and we had 30 miles to go and incoming storms. We had our pickle juice and wheeled out ASAP.
I didn’t beat the rain back to camp.
End of the day

I was asked what I bring every day. Here is what I lay out every night. Helmet. Sunglasses. Gloves. Heart rate monitor. Shoes. Ride-mandated safety triangle. How. Radar/taillight. Bone conduction headset. And gallon sized baggie with bib shorts, Jersey, socks, and skullcap. Plus headlamp, phone and snacks not pictured.