You know… I was working on a deep reflective post. I had it all planned with something profound. And then Michael and Michelle appeared out of thin air to wish me well. Which was an endearing gesture in and of itself. But, as if that wasn’t enough… Well the costumes speak for themselves. I got nothing. After that picture.. now onto the regularly scheduled post.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. It’s amazing how many details can be indelibly etched in your mind. When I first did this ride in 2021 everything was new. And scary and exciting. Then when I did this last year, everything came right back to me. You would think that a 560 ride would be a blur. But I recalled places. I knew exactly the intersection I got hit by a car. I remembered what I had for dinner every night. Why do these memories present themselves clearly when I can’t always remember what color tie I wore the day before?
The tent. My nemesis It’s been 51 weeks since we met. But, also amazingly, as soon as I hopped in, I knew exactly where everything went. Like moving back into an old and familiar apartment. Only much smaller. And with worse air conditioning.
Lots of social media happening here. For those who want to follow, here’s the official Instagram page.
I’m tired. Keep an eye out for tomorrow mornings post. It will have the link for you to track me. Also new this year… From the tracking link you can send me messages of encouragement (or antagonisms) along the way